July 12, 2010

Helplessly Hoping

I've discovered I have a mild obsession with oversized tops lately. There's just something about draping yourself in lots of extra fabric that I find comforting. Maybe it's a security thing. Since the baby is starting to show rather a lot (trust me, it is), I find myself in that awkward phase of wanting to show it off, yet feeling fat and ungraceful at the same time. But then again, maybe it has to do with the hundred degree weather we've been suffering through. Believe me, the last thing I want to deal with right now is form fitting clothes getting sweaty and sticking to me. Then again, as much as I love this top (recently thrifted for a mere $5, yay me!) it isn't exactly what I would recomment for extreme heat situations, as the crocheted fabric is a bit itchy, not a good combo with sweat.

Oh, say hello to my newest family member:

I know, your heart stopped for a minute, right? Is he not the cutest thing you've ever seen? He is so lovable and cuddly, and he sleeps in my arms at night. I do need to get him housebroken though, as he has already peed on my bed several times and elsewhere. But I figure I might as well get used to it, seeing as how I'm expecting a little one in about four more months.

I call him Peanut. If you've got any better names, I'm all ears.

*What do you guys think about the new header and layout tweaks? Good, bad, disgusting?

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